Friday, September 9, 2011

The Deal

 Before I tell you which horse I have decided I must have, I have a question for you all.

I've been buying and selling horses for a lot of years... since I was about 11. I learned how to buy and sell from my Dad who used to take me with him when he bought and sold. I don't know how much he really knew- he wasn't raised around horses, but hey- I was little, thought the sun shined because he said so and took it all in like a sponge takes up water.
I read books about horse trading and hung around every old crusty cowboy ( and a few young saucy ones) that would allow it. In the course of my hard knocks education I learned a few things about buying and selling.
The world has spun around a few times since I was 11, and I'm not selling as many as I used to. It occurred to me while looking for a new horse that things have really changed in that aspect of the world.

Then- read a paper or hear about a horse to buy from someone.
Now- scour the internet websites.

Then- drive to the barn and see the horse.
Now- Ask to see a video.

Then- Saddle the horse and take your chances
Now-Ask what discipline the horse has been trained in. Twirl a stick and play a few games before asking to ride.

Then- Use your eyes and ears and hands- Feel the legs, the back, the shoulder, look in the mouth at the teeth, under the tail, around the cinch area.
Now- Get a vet to cert the horse. Get x-rays.

Then- peel off a few bills and load the horse into your trailer.
Now- get a cashiers check, ask for payment options, have one trainer deliver to another trainer. Get a guarantee.

Then- Have Dad buy a horse at the auction, bring it home and let the kids ride until it was too tired to move.
Now- Tell your trainer how much you want to spend and what style of riding you are going to try.

Of course I am exaggerating just a tiny bit ( only the ' now'  parts) !

Here is the Question- What do you do differently NOW when you are ready to buy a new horse?

Ok- The Deal isn't quite finished yet. I still have to find Desi a great home before I can complete The Deal, but it is going to happen.


The horse that I MUST have ( and I am trying not to fall in love with him yet in case I can't pay for him) is


The Colt is 2 years old, red roan. He's just started and has a great temperament. I've had my eye on him all summer, but they didn't want to sell him. Then they changed their minds, but I didn't want a stallion and he was a lot more money than I thought I could afford. The trainer had sent him home, but now she has him back. I went out and rode him about two weeks ago and I really like him a lot.
We are still working out The Deal- and that is one thing that I have never had to do before. But I am down with it, and as soon as I can I am going to make this boy my new show pony.

Here is the trainer riding him for me. He has about 30 days riding here. Note the draped rein and the flat kneed scopey way of going.... the cute head and ears.... think we'll be noticed in the ring? You betcha!

And here is Lil Mama riding him. 
No one ever takes pictures of me riding! 


Mikey said...

ooooo, he's a good looking horse!! Wow! I can see why you want him. Hope it all falls into place. So exciting!

Maia said...

Really pretty horse, I'd want him, too. Now for the tough questions. Do you think you can have a relationship with him? Does he listen and respond to you? He's young, but has he been desensitised in any way? (sp. by the way, I have trouble spelling the word cat, in case you haven't noticed) There's a lot of hoopla at a show. Will he spook and act like a jerk or perform like a trooper. He can be, and is, the cutest pea in the pod, but at the end of the day, if he can't handle the pressure it doesn't matter.

That being said, he sure is gorgeous and if he's the one, he'll be waiting for you when you're ready. Gee, that sort of sounds like the kind of the thing we used to say, back in the day, about guys.

Good luck, I want to see those buckles.

Shirley said...

Very nice, glad you chose him. Hope the deal works out and you find the right home for Desi.

Vaquerogirl said...

Of course it's hard to tell how he is going to act at a show. The only way to know is to take him to as many as we can- which is just what I expect to do.
As far as a relationship- well I can have a relationship if I fall in love:)
I've ridden and owned so many that I rarely get too attached. One exception is Desi. I reallly love the little guy! That's what has made this journey so tough. Finding him a great home will assuage any lingering doubts though!

Maia said...

Aah, doesn't this sort of remind you of that old song, "aint it hard to belong to someone else when the right one comes along."

I'll be waiting for a full report when he's finally yours.

PS: He has the prettiest face I have seen in years.

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

He is gorgeous. He's only 2? How long have they been riding him? How often? I often wonder why babies are started under saddle so young when they still have a lot of growing to do and muscles to build and get stronger.
So will you keep him as a stallion, too?
He sure is a looker with good bloodlines....


Carolyn Plath said...

He's beautiful Barb! Good luck on the deal!

Loved reading your "then ~ now."

Anonymous said...

Ooo! He's gorgeous!