I have to tell you though I am super happy to be here! I just love horse shows even if I'm not showing. My friends are here, they all will talk bloodlines or patterns or tips with you all day long. It is hot today too- 92. And I'm in charge of the Little boy. wow! This is why fifty year olds shouldn't have kids- you cant keep up! I can tell you though that showing with a baby is a horse of a different color. Everything is different from how we go, to where we go. Our meals are different, our alcoholic beverage consumption is different ( mostly),our bedtimes and our awake times are different.
Tomorrow I go to set up 'camp' between the two rings, in the grass in the shade. I'm taking blankets, toys, books, snacks, juice, diapers and a valium ( that is for me). Not Horse show Mom- but Horse show Granny! I'll post pictures and let you know how LM and Bob did tomorrow!