Wednesday, March 11, 2009

A new Challenge-Sunday Stills

So I am going to try and catch up with all of you on the Sunday Stills Challenge. I had to pass last week- self-portrait was was too scary to contemplate! But I love water and live near enough to it to make a go of it. Some of theses are actually from last fall- but I figure that counts- dosen't it?

The first two were taken in Glacier National Park, late September. The water was running off this fabulous stone cliff.

This is the edge of Glacier Lake. No tourists- just the way I like it!

I'm close to the Pacific Coast, only an hour or two to the West. These two were taken at Asilomar Beach, near Monterey California. Its one of my favorite places to go. These are two of my favorites.
I call this one Old Friends.

The one's now on the right- well that is my home town. I live on the Carquinez Straits. This is looking west towards the little town of Port Costa. I love the clouds in this one.

And last is the dew on a beautiful Orb spider. This was taken on the road leading into our bording stable. The grass was covered with them. I think they are quite beautiful and unique.

Hope you enjoyed my little view of water. It was fun!