And I'm perusing the SEARCH page, you know, the window where you pick what kind of a horse or pony you are looking for.
Then up pops RIDING STEER.
Not really!
And you know there must be more than one- because it is in the drop down window!
Just like there is a LAW on the BOOKS in some backward state on the EAST coast-(prolly Maryland or Virginia) that states- and I do NOT quote- that you must NOT Paint over any dead animals on the side of the road. Which leads you to think that there is someone or something out there painting over the dead animals! Visions of possum and skunk and deer, lying dead across the shoulders with white or yellow paint running across matted fur! UGH!
And you KNOW it is happening a lot because there is a friggin' LAW on the books that says you shan't do it anymore!
But I digress...
So I have to see what a riding steer looks like- although Lil Mama and I did see one in downtown Oakdale one morning as we sat having breakfast waiting for a sheep auction, but that is another story entirely.
And here he is~
Meet Clyde!
He is a Riding Steer, residing in North Carolina. ( Do I have to refer to the above paragraph?)
He has a temperament of 2 on the scale which is CALM. Well, he better be with that pair of horns. If he got pissed off he could just pluck you right off his back, fling you into the middle of next week and never break stride!
They have been saddle breaking Clyde for two years and claim he is good for parties and parades.
Who am I to argue!
But I'm guessing that if they can't find a new home that wants to ride Clyde they could have other ways of cashing in on his uniqueness~