Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A Milestone.

Hey everyone, I just looked at my stats and discovered that I have posted my opinion 300 times!


Actually those that know me are right now shaking their heads and saying something like : Only three hundred opinions... Sheesh.. who put a muzzle on HER!?"

Thanks to any and all followers. You have become like BFFs to me- except we don't go out drinking or to the movies together. And I have never picked one of you up at the bus station nor have we drunk dialed each other. And I don't know the color of many of your living rooms or kitchens.

BUT- I know your innermost thoughts and fears- rejoice in your triumphs and cry over your failures.

So there is still some learning to do and opinions left to give....

I hope to be with you for at least 300 more!


Nuzzling Muzzles said...

How did you find those stats? I just looked in my Blogger stats and didn't see anything about opinions or comments.

Nuzzling Muzzles said...

Oh wait... it just hit me. You were talking about the number of posts, not comments. Duh!

Carolyn Plath said...

Keep talking Girlie! xoxoxo

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

Congrats, my virtual BFF!


gtyyup said...

Go girl...we'll be here! Congrats~