Sunday, September 22, 2013


 The 2013 Draft Horse Classic was this weekend. Lil Mama and I have been looking forward to it all year. Jr is finally old enough to enjoy himself and sit in the bleachers for the Best Horse Show on the West Coast, (at least as far as we are concerned).

It has been very warm here- just the way we like it. The height of our Indian Summer. Sometimes at this time of year our temperatures have soared to  100 degrees. We have absolutely melted during the day! We seek beer and shade and not necessarily in that order.

Three days ago the Weatherman says,"Some chance of rain."
We say- 'Pfffttt!"

Two days ago the Weather man says "30% chance of rain."

We say," It won't rain! It's September for Heaven Sakes!"

We pack. We do not pack rain gear. We do not pack jackets.


It rained.

And rained...


We waited for it to stop.

It did not stop.
We bought jackets.
We bought Hot Chocolate.
We waited some more.

Finally when the arena was deemed flooded Horse Show was cancelled due to rain.

I did manage to take a few snaps- enough to document the day.

You gotta be Kiddin'

Intrepid Friends



Here are a few snaps from a few years ago.



Bleu- eye
Six Horse Up

Baby Sister
What'cha got in the Bag?

Not the Biggest Pony in the Barn

Pretty in Purple



Girl Talk

30% can ruin a day for sure but I am 100 % sure that next year will be much better!

1 comment:

C-ingspots said...

Is that the Grass Valley Draft classic?? Some of our clients were going to that, and if it was cancelled, that would make 2 out of their summer events that were rained out. First was Calgary Stampede and now this one, they won't be happy. Pretty expensive with all the coggins and health certs and such. Cunninghams have Belgians and McGinnis' have Belgians too, I guess. We've been having rain too, and it's much cooler than it should be so early. Hope we're not in for an early/bad winter. :(