Saturday, March 31, 2012

Pinners beware- invite enclosed.

If any of you wish to follow me on Pinterest, you can always ask me for an invitation. All I need is your e-mail address. Once I've invited you it is simple to begin.
Send your e-mail to my email at . Be sure to put Pin ME in the subject line!

In other news I've written two articles for the   Examiner. Click on the link and go to the search bar. Type in my name, Barbara Glenn and my articles should be listed there. I'm open for suggestions about new articles you'd like to see, so send them on in to me!

AND- I've been hired an additional three days a week at Michaan's Auction house as one of their receiving clerks. So I have a real j.o.b. again. Hubby is happy ( until his supper isn't forthcoming) and I'm happy to be able to have a little extra dough to spend on my p.o.n.y!

Horse show for Rem and I in three weeks! Yikes!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

To Pin or not to Pin- What a silly question!

I know you all do it.
I tried to resist.
Really ~ I did try.
But as Lil Mama says, " It lured me."

I am a Pinner. And a Re-Pinner.

And I'm not sorry about it, even a tiddly bit.

Pinterest is the number one growing social media webpage right now.

And we all know why.

Because we know that everyone else has more and better ideas than we do!
And we want them.

So far on Pinterest I have learned how to kill weeds organically. (Vinegar)
And ...
How to use all of these vintage photos it seems I must have (viewed from inside an old mason jar or hung from a vintage pants hanger)

How to make a small affordable seedling greenhouse( sheet plastic and an old wire sheving unit)

How to grade my yard and lay stones for a winding path. (A pickaxe and a level)

 How to frost a cute cupcake...

ARGH! And that is the pain and the beauty of Pinterest~ There is no end to the really interesting and cool stuff you can find there- the whole of the world laid out on ONE PAGE  on your computer, in the privacy of your web kingdom.
 It's nuts actually.
Between Google and Pinterest I am sure that soon I will rule the world.
If you haven't tried it yet ask for an invitation, I'll gladly send one to you...

But  don't say I didn't warn you!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

My heroes have always been cowgirls

Everyone has a hero or two. Not a hero like Superman or Green Lantern, but true life people working and striving and trying to be successful. My heroes are cowgirls-and luckily for me- are very accessible.
These women are the heart and soul of the horse world as far as I am concerned, at least in the Western Arenas of California.

I have been known to say- I want to be Cynthia Cantleberry when I grow up. I mean it too!
photo by KC Montgomery
Cynthia is a beautiful woman working in California as a trainer. Her specialty is Trail and I have seen her show several horses in an afternoon. With the help of one hired man, she grooms, cleans feeds, tacks, untacks and shows in multiple classes. Never once have I heard her chastise publicly any of her students, horses or competition. As a matter of fact even though she doesn't know my name, she recognizes my face at the small shows I go to, and always has a big smile and  friendly words. Very recently she was in a bad wreck and could have died. Her calm demeanor and fighting spirit has kept her on this earthly plane and this month Horse and Rider Magazine has a very nice article (written by her) about the effects of that wreck.  Cynthia was also recently added to the  Cowgirl Hall of Fame. For fun Cynthia rides Cowhorses! She has been heard to say for her it is the equivalent of driving a fast sports car, and that she loves the rush of adrenalin she gets from going down the fence! When ever I get upset, scared or unsure I try to think about Cynthia and her get it done attitude. I try to put my self 'in her saddle' so to speak, and it usually helps.

Sandy Collier photo taken by Horse Trader Magazine Staff

Sandy Collier is a particular favorite cowgirl of mine. I've been very privileged to ride in more than one of her clinic's as she became a good friend of one of my friends- Deniserita. Staying together in the Ranch House we had a chance to let our hair down and laugh, tell some stories and have a fun time. Sandy is quite a wit! And one of the most focused and brave women I've ever met. When she had to have surgery on her shoulder, she taught one of her futurity horses how to bow so she could easily mount. She gave more than a few clinic's- one at the Horse Expo in Sacramento with her arm still in an immovable sling. The cow in that clinic actually was a real wild one and kept charging her green horse. Sandy just gutted up and rode through it to box the cow and circle it up. During a clinic Sandy will ask you to do something, wait while you work through it a few times and see if you 'get it' on your own. If not, she'll show and ask again, but she will not tolerate any excuses. She'll call you on your bullshit every time. I like that in a woman, and in a trainer.
As a matter of fact Sandy was the first and the only,woman to win the NRCHA title.(National Reined Cowhorse World Championship Futurity), as well as many other accolades. She is still available for clinics and works out of  Buellton. Did I mention she fly's her own plane? If you want to grow up to be a cowgirl, grow up to be this one.

Lynn Palm and Rugged Lark. Final Tour

Lynn Palm

I first Saw Lynn Palm when I went to the AQHA World Show in Oklahoma City. She was taking Rugged Lark around the country for his farewell tour. Everywhere they went Rugged Lark was a Star. I've never been more excited to see anyone or anything in my life. Rugged was charismatic and handsome and it seemed that there wasn't a thing he didn't do well. I had to know who the rider was of that horse- it was Lynn Palm. I began following her career about then and it was a lot harder than it is now. There was no internet,cell phones, Twitter or Facebook. I had to peruse all the breed publications and horse news letter for information. Then I got lucky and she came to my little corner of the world for a Mini Expo( the first of its kind!) and I was able to sit in the front row- right across the rail from her. She was beautiful and gracious even though she was asked some really basic questions. She answered everyone's  questions before she left for the day. She rides English or Western equally well and a few years ago she founded the Women Luv Horses clinic and as her first clinicians she had Cynthia Cantleberry and Sandy Collier as well as Sharon Camarillo.
This is a small exerp taken from  The Barn Mice Review
It expresses why Lynn Palm is a Hero to me~

NS: If you could pass on a piece of advice to fellow equestrians that you once heard from a mentor, what advice would that be?
LP: Be the Rider Your Horses Deserve! Be a Smart horse owner. Learn about heath & care, horse behaviours, Ground and Riding skills to bring out the best in your horse. Being realistic with goals and especially that the horse is suited for your personal life style, goals, and your riding skill level. If your horse is not suited for you, he may be for someone else. If this is the case, don’t let emotions overrule the best for the horse. Remember, we have a choice, and horses do not! Always follow your dreams!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Congratulations Wade, Mikey and Mercy!

Though I can't be there in the flesh, I am with you all in spirit! 
I hope this day is the best one ever!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Virtual Wedding Guest for Mikey and Wade and Mercy

I can't actually be there for the most famous nuptials since Princess Di and that guy she married, but I will be there in spirit.
I propose that  we all take a picture of ourselves in our best Duds, Hats, Boots and Whatever and post it to our own sites that day as virtual guests for them.

And though I missed the Virtual Bridal Shower on Sunday, I am still raising my glass ( coffee cup actually) in toast-
...To Wade and Mikey...To a friendship that bloomed into Love, and a Love that will transcend life's obstacles, and life that will make the rest of us sigh in admiration. May you all have all that you need in each other. Congratulations!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Days with Rem

I was able to bring Rem home for a few days last month. We went to a clinic and I rode nearly every day. 
This is my new favorite view! 

A week ago I took him back to the trainer- Jacqueline Burke at Superior Quarter Horses in Clements Ca. She's been riding every day too, and he's getting more solid every day. 
I do miss him around though. It's been a long time since I had no horse at home to ride. Boy am I getting stuff done around the house! 

This is the picture I took of Rem last Friday. Isn't he just the cutest thing! And I love his color. 
I also was able to meet his previous owner. She still almost cried when she saw him.  
She did buy his half sister, a very sweet red mare that will be much more suited  to her riding style. I hope I was able to allay some of her fears about this horse not having a great home. 
Jaq just rolls her eyes when I love all over this guy- but I really can't help it. 

We are going to take him to a show on April 15th. It's a small local show - just a warm up and a training opportunity for Rem. Then an AQHA show April 21 ( a one day W/J ) hopefully we will make it around the pen there. And on April 27-28-29 the CAQHEA show. We will go in one or two classes there- all Walk Jog. 
So we have a full plate, so to speak. Lots of training opportunities!  I'm trying to get my outfits together while Jaq is pulling him together- Lil Mama and Denesirita are going too, so it should be a good time. 
Right now I am off to Bodega to ride out the rain in the trailer with my overworked hubby! Hopefully we won't get blown away by the wind! 

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Between The Lines

As I turned off the TV my machine flipped to a channel I didn't know I had been watching- a PBS channel of some sort. I had my finger on the OFF button, when I heard the words, 'doubt' and 'courage.'
I had to put down the remote.
What the speaker was saying is that there is no doubt with out confidence, no courage without fear.
I can relate to that. I try to be courageous in my daily life. I try hard not to be afraid.
It isn't so easy sometimes. Specifically I have had to quell fear in failing. Failing to live up to my expectations, failing to do the best I can. The speaker went on to say that we all fear failing- and after 16 years of therapy- he is still flawed, and neurotic and fearful- but he doesn't hassle himself about it any more.
Groovy, man. A dude from my era!
This man is Dennis Palumbo and he was promoting his book Writing From the Inside Out, or how to make those inner voice work for you. I have not read his book, but I am going to run right down to the bookseller tomorrow and find it.
I was listening with two ears and also two hearts. Funny how one part of your life can melt into the others so smoothly sometimes that you don't realize. My writers side and my riders side often have the same fears, the same struggles and the answers to those problems are still the same.
He talked about gumption. Gumption not being the steely eyed grit that carries you through your task no matter what. But as a word that should carry you through your work with joy and excitement.
He also validated what I have long believed; sometimes you work and work and work at something until the joy and verve has gone from the task, and still you struggle. That sometimes you don't like what you like any more.  He believes that you must give yourself permission to step back, breath and stop the task until you like that you like it once more.

I can equate all of his advise not only to my writing,and photography and art- but also to my riding. I was not liking what I loved anymore. I had to make hard decisions and take a few steps back. I didn't stop wanting what I wanted, but I set about on a different course to get it. Now, with a new horse I am beginning to feel the joy of riding again. My determination to succeed is returning. I have a plan.

In my writing, I had to quit all the groups I was once so entrenched within. I stopped going to conferences for several reasons. Mostly it was the negative feedback, or what I perceived as negative from my 'peers'.It was becoming unhelpful and dragging me down. I doubted every word I placed on the pages, and hated my characters. I wasn't writing hip, dystopian novels in rhyme or cryptic verse. I wasn't writing sex, or blood or vampires or magicians. I was being told I was getting too old- I was un-hip.
So I put away my pencil for awhile,until I had a story wiggle its way onto a page one night. I liked it. so I wrote more. I remembered that Palumbo mentioned loving what you do and mirroring the characters feeling with your own. He reminded me that as writers we spend 98 % of our time actually writing- we should enjoy the process, love it as you love a child,and nurture the creativity.
And I am.
And I am enjoying the process.
And I have a plan.

I'd like to hear all of yours. Failures and plans- Doubts and confidences, Courage and fears.