Monday, February 27, 2012

The Fantastic Flying Books of Morris Lessmore

I loved this picture! I am so glad it won the Oscar!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Capt Tripps

  It feels like spring around here. Jr and I were playing in the backyard with Tripps.
Such a good dog- he really watches Jr! 

Saturday, February 18, 2012

February Mini Clinic

It was a beautiful day for a clinic. Soft and a little breezy, the sun shone and we we not under water (like we usually are in February.) 

Here I am with a silly simp on my face- really I don't usually look like this- but I was really enjoying riding my new pony! He was so good! Usually by this time Desi would be flattened out and spooking from one end of the arena to the other- but Rem took it all in, tried really hard to do what he was asked  and never took a spooky step. 
My joy in riding has been renewed!

We were practicing going from a flat stop to a jog- on a straight line. Sounds super easy, but it wasn't! 
Of course I have an excuse- Remmy is still just a young green broke horse, and I have only been riding him a week or so. Still this is a good exercise to do at home.


This is a view from our arena. That is the Carquinez Straits out there, looking north towards Benicia. 
One thing about this arena, it sure does throw a lot of stuff at a horse. Trains to the south:~we are right next to the tracks were a train goes by every ten minutes or so. Boats and Ships of all types to the North-frequently they blow their ship horns. 
Walkers with dogs and without. Homeless people popping up from the brush to the east, helicopters fly overhead on occasion too. It is also on the International Bird Flyway so ducks and geese fly low to land on the water. There are bicyclists, and in the arena we have scary bucking chutes that practically every horse on the planet would be afraid of. Rem just took it all in with no drama.
It is a good place to get your horse to all kinds of weird and different objects!

Waterfront view
Jaq on Rem with Kiki the Wonder Dog. 

Note the Slack reins!

Marvin taking instruction from Jaq.
Kristina riding Xena

Ginny discussing the pattern with Jaq.
Roxanne's grand daughter riding a really sweet mare that packed her around all day.
Roxanne and Darryl. Hasn't he grown!
Devon and Zip
Me and Rem


Bar Hoppin Bob
   We all learned something, got our horses out of the stables for a few hours and enjoyed each others company.  I am really looking forward to this years show season. Devon,Krissy,Roxanne and Lil Mama will all be there with me. And as Krissy says " Better bring your A game. I'm out to win!" I may not be out to win this year, but you can bet I'm gonna give it my all!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Crab Feeds and Pretty Ponies

Sorry I have been MIA this week! My Horsemen's Association held their annual Crab Feed last Saturday and it takes a lot of work to put it on! I took pictures with a camera that my hubby found, but this computer won't download them! I'll have to find a power cord and do it some other way. The Feed was great though~ we fed 120 people and made almost $3000 for our club!

And of course I have been busy riding Rem. He's really really sweet. I have had to shift gears quite a bit- going from riding a broke horse- then to Slick who knew stuff but had forgotten most of it- to Rem who really doesn't know much at all. He's learning fast though, and tomorrow I'm riding in my trainers mini clinic.
I find that I have to be on my toes all the time- and that is probably a good thing. It's weird how sloppy we can become when we are around our broke horses.  I know that a lot of you are thinking," Oh, I'm always safety conscious." or "I think about my safety all of the time."
 Yeah- me too.
Some things you might have to think twice about ~
*Ducking under your horses neck to get to the other side.
*Flinging your saddle up onto your horses back instead of lifting and placing, so the stirrups don't bang on his ribs.
*Picking up your horses feet carefully and putting them back down carefully.
*Paying attention to the ears when picking up back feet
*Taking a halter off, but fastening it around the necks as you bridle up
* Rushing to unsaddle
*Rushing through obstacles
*Rushing through basic drills
*Turning on clippers
*Talking to your friends while riding
*Texting while riding

I'm sure you could think of a hundred more!
I'll take my other, good camera to the clinic tomorrow and maybe I'll get a few photos of some of our other friends, Roxxy and Darryl, Lil Mama and Bar Hoppin Bob, Devon and Zip. And maybe even a picture of me ( gawd!)

Friday, February 3, 2012

Meet Mia

This is Mia. She and Slick are now partners in love! He took to her right away, but then why not. She has a good seat and soft hands and she was just so excited. This looks to be a great match-up and I couldn't be happier! 
I'll work with her for awhile just to make sure, but -well gosh... just look at them. 
It's love!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

One coming, and one going

I brought Remmy home yesterday. He was really pretty good, considering that he's just a baby and there is so much to look at!
When I lunged him, he still wanted to fling himself backwards going clockwise. So I re -worked the chain configuration then let him go, and voila! No punkiness! It took me a while ( longer than it should have) for me to 'get' that the halter and chain pulled on his left side, that was the side with the broken teeth. It was probably sore still! (DUH!)
I fussed with him for about an hour, letting him run around at liberty, putting a rope all over him, pulling him this way and that way, hanging on his neck. He was great. The barking dog kinda made him nervous, but he'll get used to it. Tying him to the cross ties made him restless- like a baby wanting a passifier. He stomped and fidgeted. As soon as he stood still I was able to untie him and put him away. The barn owner says he's the tidiest little guy she's ever had.
So all in all ~a good first day.
I have also found a good home for Slick. A thirteen year old girl who has been riding all of her short life. The barn owner there was watching them work the horse today, and reported that she is loving and hugging and wanting that black and white pony a lot. So tomorrow I will go and meet her and her grandparents( who are old friends of mine) and Slick will belong to her. I'll try to get a few pictures to post.

Isn't it always the way- feast or famine? Good things happen if you just trust in the Universe!